Friday, December 10, 2010

Upon the passing of days

On the eve of my 40th birthday, some gentle words sent to me in the mail...

"One should say before sleeping: I have lived many lives. I have been a slave and a prince. Many a beloved has sat upon my knee and I have sat upon the knees of many a beloved. Everything that has been shall be again."

- W.B. Yeats

Saturday, August 28, 2010

On The Path

I walk sunwise
around standing stone,
well and sacred tree.
I walk sunwise
around mountain, lake
and wood.
I walk sunwise
on the path of the spiral
on the path of vision
on the path of truth.

~ Dennis King

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The simple way

Accept Her.
That is all She requires.

Tokens of homage, sacrifices, vows,
She knows, herself a mistress of disguise,
may merely be evasions, even snares,

but true acceptance
needs no outward signs,
has no expression
other than the way 
you trust her equally
in love and rage,

plucking Her bloodied fingerprints
like flowers.

~ Robin Skelton